Viewport scroll position and direction watcher. Binds states data attributes to `HTML` for further JS/CSS usage. Scroll event is throttled for performance economy.
Viewport scroll position and direction watcher. Binds states data attributes to `HTML` for further JS/CSS usage. Scroll event is throttled for performance economy.
Yandex Metrika component for Astro
Remark plugin for Astro that automatically optimizes images referenced in markdown files.
Easily add performant, SEO-friendly comments to your Astro blog with JamComments.
This component relies on the good old browser router, still, it will give to your website an SPA feel, without all the JS overhead.
An astro integration to generate static Open Graph images, at build time
Reactive Astro Sidebar will make your sidebar reactive as it promise to react when ever the main content of your docs change and update itself to highlight that, hope that It will make you life easier.
An easy way to customize the syntax highlighting of MDX fenced code blocks by providing your own Astro component.
Embed an interactive map in your webpage. Using Leaflet.js under the hood.
Stylify generates utility-first CSS dynamically based on what you write. Write HTML. Get CSS.
Astro component for TEI as Custom Elements with React support
Social images generator for Astro
Adds a Cloudinary image component to Astro
An Astro integration for Lyra
Template used to create a new project with djazztro
Embed player for terminal sessions (recorded with asciinema) in your Astro project. Using asciinema player under the hood. Comes with full asciinema player settings support, typings and docs hints.
remark plugin to add folder-based layouts to MD and MDX files in Astro
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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